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产品名称:GPack 800 DC-DC组合电源

 GPack 800DC-DC组合电源

GPack 800 DC-DC Power System


7.1" x 4.7" x 2.4"
180 x 120 x 60mm

Hi-Rel Models :

00 Watt Modular DC Power Subsystem GPack 800 Datasheet



• Ready to use 800W DC/DC power supply
• Complete MIL-STD-704 & 461 or DO-160 compliant
• Up to 4 independent/paralleled or serialized outputs
• Plug and Play and Configurable,
• Conduction cooled, no fan for best reliability,
• Compact size
• Wide input voltage range:
     - 9~45Vdc (transient 60Vdc/100ms)
     - 16~80Vdc (transient 100Vdc/100ms)
• Inrush limiter and Reverse polarity protection,
• On/off controls, Synchronization and OTP signals
• No load to full load operation
• Up to 88% efficiency

The new GPack family of power supply systems provides turnkey solution for 24/28/48Vdc applications in avionics, naval or military field complying with with DO-160 and MIL-STD-704 & 461 standards, including inrush current limitation and reverse polarity protection. It provides up to 800W power in an extremely compact 180 x 120 x 60 mm package without fan.

The Gpack can be configured with 4 slots of 200W each. Outputs can be used independently, connected in parallel or in series. Configuration can be done directly by the user or factory pre-configured for maximum flexibility and versatility.

The GPack includes a complete set of controls and monitoring functions : general remote on/off control, local on/off on each output for sequencing, synchronization function from external clock or up to 3 Gpacks together.

For each output, voltage and output current limit can be trimmed, share function can be used for parallel operation and remote sense are available too.

Up to 3 Gpacks can be connected in parallel to reach a 2.4KW power block.

The following block diagram shows the GPack internal functions:

Here are examples and product part numbering matrix:

Examples :

GPM - D - 8A - H - Z / 1C - 1C - 1E - 1F
800W total power Gpack,9-45 Vdc input range, 4 outputs of 5Vdc, 5Vdc, 12Vdc and 15 Vdc with no output board configuration.

GPM - D - 8A - O - 1 / 1C - 1C - 1E - 1F / K - P - Z- Z
800W total power Gpack, 16-80 Vdc input range, -55°C operation screening, 4 outputs of 5Vdc 5Vdc, 12Vdc and 15Vdc, standard output board configured with both 5Vdc connected in paralell to achieve 400W power, 12Vdc and 15Vdc independent.


Input Power and Monitoring & Control connectors:

General On/Off (1): General On/Off used to disable the complete Gpack. Need to be controled by an external dry contact like a switch or relay contact. These 2 pins are not isolated from Gin and Vin by a galvanic isolation. When an impedance lower than 20 Ohms is connected across these 2 Pins, the Gpak stops operation, and its whole consumption decreases lower than 200μA to achieve a full off state.

OTP flag (3): Over temperature Protection flag, is a low level active open collector output signal that triggers when at least one channel encounters an over temperature condition. This event will stop all rails.

Monit Rtn : (4): Monitoring return: return circuit usable for channel On/off, OTP, and OCP signal.

On/Off 1 : (5): Individual on/off control 1, gives access to the LED anode of internal opto-coupler. Any appropriate current flowing through this pin to M rtn pin will stop the channel number one.

On/Off 2 : (6): Individual on/off control 2, gives access to the LED anode of internal opto-coupler. Any appropriate current flowing through this pin to M rtn pin will stop the channel number 2.

On/Off 3 : (7): Individual on/off control 3, gives access to the LED anode of internal opto-coupler. Any appropriate current flowing through this pin to M rtn pin will stop the channel number 3.

On/Off 4 : (8): Individual on/off control 4, gives access to the LED anode of internal opto-coupler. Any appropriate current flowing through this pin to M rtn pin will stop the channel number 4.

Sync In : (13): Synchronization in : is the input line used to synchronize the Gpak switching frequencies to applied signal (See chapter XXX). It can be used to synchronize several GPAK together or to synchronize Gpak to an application specific signal. The Sync. In line is internally connected to a magnetic isolation circuit and operates at 500KHz.

Sync Rtn : (14): Synchronization return : is the return line of Sync in and Sync out signals.

Sync Out : (15) : Synchronization out : is the output line used to synchronize any application circuit to Gpak

Output Power connectors (for each of the 4 channels):

Output + Vo: (A1) : channel positive output voltage pin. This termination is isolated by galvanic isolation from case and from input section.

Output - Go: (A2) : channel negative output voltage pin. This termination is isolated by galvanic isolation from case and from input section.

Share : (1) : Current share pin. To be used only when several channels outputs of same voltage are connected in parallel. In this case the share pins of all modules in parallel need to be connected together to achieve proper current balance between each channel.

I-Trim: (2) : Current limitation trim. Is used to reduce the value of current limit function. Setting is achieved by connecting a resistor across this pin and Go. If not used, this pin need to be left not connected.

Sense- : (3): Sense- function is used to compensate for cable losses, by connecting this sense- pin as close as possible of the negative lead of load. If not used this pin need to be left not connected, or connected to Go.The maximum voltage losses across cable should not exceed 10% of nominal output voltage.

Trim : (4): output voltage trim is used to set the value of output voltage. Setting is achieved by connecting a resistor across this pin and Go or Vo according to desired final voltage. If not used, this pin need to be left not connected.

Sense+ : (3): Sense+ function is used to compensate for cable losses, by connecting this sense+ pin as close as possible of the positive lead of load. If not used this pin need to be left not connected, or connected to Vo. The maximum voltage losses across cable should not exceed 10% of nominal output voltage.


地址:西安市高新区莲湖科技产业园高新一路6号前进大厦705室  电话:029-88231631    
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